7 Mart 2025
1 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 3 km SSW of Umbertide, Italy
2 yıl önce
Two training planes of the Italian Air Force collided near Rome, both pilots were killed
İtalya Başbakanı Giorgia Meloni, Kyiv'e gitti2 yıl önce
İtalya Başbakanı Giorgia Meloni, Kyiv'e gitti
Cumhurbaşkanı Andrzej Duda Pazartesi akşamı Cumhurbaşkanlığı Sarayı'nda İtalya Cumhuriyeti Başbakanı Giorgia Meloni ile bir araya geldi.
Confirmed: Italy is in the midst of a major internet outage with high impact to leading operator Telecom Italia; real-time network data show national connectivity at 26% of ordinary levels; incident ongoing
2 yıl önce
ANSA reports that Matteo Messina Denaro has been arrested. The head of the Italian mafia, one of the most wanted criminals in the world
2 yıl önce
Three killed in shooting at Rome residents' meeting. "Initial reports said the gunman had been detained after the shooting, which happened at a bar in the Fidene district where the meeting was being held
2 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 19 km NE of Marotta, Italy
2 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 5.6 - 22 km NE of Marotta, Italy
2 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 5.5 - 11 km WSW of Tortora Marina, Italy
A Canadair CL-415 aircraft with two pilot-firefighters on board crashed while fighting a large fire on the slopes of Mount Etna near Catania, Italy, when the disaster occurred. Both pilots died during the crash2 yıl önce
A Canadair CL-415 aircraft with two pilot-firefighters on board crashed while fighting a large fire on the slopes of Mount Etna near Catania, Italy, when the disaster occurred. Both pilots died during the crash
Macron meets Meloni - first meeting between the leaders of France and Italy in Rome last night2 yıl önce
Macron meets Meloni - first meeting between the leaders of France and Italy in Rome last night
The new Italian Prime Minister officially takes office
2 yıl önce
The Italian Air Force: Two sorties were carried out during the past two days to intercept Russian planes flying near the Nato borders in Poland
Giorgia Meloni: Sevgili @ZelenskyyUa, Ukrayna halkının özgürlüğü davasına olan sadık desteğimize güvenebileceğinizi biliyorsunuz. Güçlü ol ve inancını sabit tut
Right bloc on course to win Italy's elections, far-right leader Meloni is expected to be the PM - the first woman in Italy's history. She will also be Italy's first far-right leader since Mussoliny
2 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 3 km WSW of Abetone, Italy
Zelensky, Di Maio'yu aldı: İtalya, Ukrayna'nın bağımsızlığını ve egemenliğini destekleyen en önemli ülkelerden biri haline geldi2 yıl önce
Zelensky, Di Maio'yu aldı: İtalya, Ukrayna'nın bağımsızlığını ve egemenliğini destekleyen en önemli ülkelerden biri haline geldi
Italian Foreign Ministry: All actors in Libya must avoid destabilization
2 yıl önce
After the resignation of the prime minister, the Italian president dissolves parliament
Prime Minister Mario Draghi offers his resignation to Italy's president, in a move that will raise the prospect of snap elections as soon as early October
Italian President Mattarella rejects resignation of Prime Minister Draghi, asking him to address parliament after collapse of governing coalition
Italian PM Mario Draghi announces his resignation after government loses backing of populist coalition partner
Gazprom further reduces gas supplies to Italy: Eni
Rome: Tension with the police under Palazzo Chigi during the demonstration of taxi drivers protesting against article 10 of the Competition Bill
Italy. Balance of the tragedy in the Dolomites: 6 killed, 9 wounded, 16 missing
The collapse of the largest glacier in the Italian Alps has killed at least six people and injured eight others.  The glacier collapsed on the mountain of Marmolada, the highest in the Italian Dolomites2 yıl önce
The collapse of the largest glacier in the Italian Alps has killed at least six people and injured eight others. The glacier collapsed on the mountain of Marmolada, the highest in the Italian Dolomites
2 yıl önce
At least six people died and eight were injured after a chunk of a glacier collapsed in Italy's Alps on Sunday. A deluge of snow, ice and rock overran the easiest route to a summit, where a number of hikers were rope climbing
Macron, Draghi ve Scholtz Kyiv'e geldi2 yıl önce
Macron, Draghi ve Scholtz Kyiv'e geldi
2 yıl önce
Naples accident today, head-on collision in Giuliano in Campania: 1 dead and 4 injured