20 Вересень 2024
3 місяць тому
Israeli media: Contacts with Germany, Italy and other countries to prevent the imposition of European sanctions against Israel
Major CyberAttack Alert Italy / Libya: Mellitah Oil & Gas, the Libyan branch of Eni and other Eni business units allegedly compromised by RansomHub ransomware group. Mellitah Oil & Gas / Enigas Ly (Eni Electricity, Oil & Gas) and other Eni business units are hacked. All confidential data of the company and its customers are stolen, the hacking group states4 місяць тому
Major CyberAttack Alert Italy / Libya: Mellitah Oil & Gas, the Libyan branch of Eni and other Eni business units allegedly compromised by RansomHub ransomware group. "Mellitah Oil & Gas / Enigas Ly (Eni Electricity, Oil & Gas) and other Eni business units are hacked. All confidential data of the company and its customers are stolen," the hacking group states
Giorgia Meloni will visit Tunis today to meet Kais Saied. Italy’s PM will endeavor to persuade Tunisia, as a third-party state, to take in more people whose requests for asylum in Europe have been rejected5 місяць тому
Giorgia Meloni will visit Tunis today to meet Kais Saied. Italy’s PM will endeavor to persuade Tunisia, as a third-party state, to take in more people whose requests for asylum in Europe have been rejected
5 місяць тому
Italian Foreign Minister on Iranian-Israeli tensions: All parties must show responsibility
6 місяць тому
Italian police have arrested three Palestinians based in central Italy who they said were planning attacks in an unspecified country, a police statement said on Monday. The suspects were planning suicide bombings against civilian and military targets
6 місяць тому
Italy calls for an "immediate ceasefire" in the Gaza Strip
6 місяць тому
Україна та Італія підписали двосторонню безпекову угоду, — Зеленський
6 місяць тому
Президент Зеленський сьогодні перебуває в аеропорту Гостомель, що на околиці столиці Києва. До них приєдналися прем'єр-міністр Італії Джорджія Мелоні, прем'єр-міністр Канади Джастін Трюдо. Урсула фон дер Ляєн, президент Європейської комісії та Александр де Кроо, прем'єр-міністр Бельгії
7 місяць тому
Tunisian National Guard: 17 people went missing after they were on board a migrant boat heading towards the Italian coast
7 місяць тому
Italian Defense Minister: Unrest in the Red Sea threatens the stability of Italy's economy
8 місяць тому
Italian Defense Minister: Red Sea security must be achieved without a new war
​​Президент України Володимир Зеленський провів телефонну розмову з Прем'єр-міністеркою Італії Джорджею Мелоні.9 місяць тому
​​Президент України Володимир Зеленський провів телефонну розмову з Прем'єр-міністеркою Італії Джорджею Мелоні.
10 місяць тому
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 101 km SSW of Anacapri, Italy
10 місяць тому
Mount Etna was spotted erupting in Italy. It spewed lava and ash from a southeast crater. It's the tallest and most active volcano in Europe.astonished
11 місяць тому
Italy calls on European countries to immediately implement the partnership agreement with Tunisia to stop the flow of migrants
11 місяць тому
Italian Foreign Minister: The missile that struck a hospital in Gaza killed about 50 people and came from the Palestinian side
Italian foreign minister @Antonio_Tajani with foreign minister Cohen in southern Israel11 місяць тому
Italian foreign minister @Antonio_Tajani with foreign minister Cohen in southern Israel
1 рік тому
France will not welcome any migrants coming from Italy's Lampedusa, interior minister Gerald Darmanin said Tuesday after the Mediterranean island saw record numbers of arrivals
1 рік тому
Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - northern Italy
1 рік тому
Massive flow at Stromboli volcano in Italy generates tsunami
Multiple wildfires in Sicily, Italy1 рік тому
Multiple wildfires in Sicily, Italy
1 рік тому
We do not agree to illegal immigration, we do not agree to imposing penalties on us for not accepting migrants, @GiorgiaMeloni understands this too - emphasizes Prime Minister @MorawieckiM after talks with the head of the Italian government
Silvio Berlusconi, former Italian PM, dies at 86
1 рік тому
Silvio Berlusconi: Former Italian prime minister dies
Mount Etna eruption halts flights to Sicily's Catania airport1 рік тому
Mount Etna eruption halts flights to Sicily's Catania airport
1 рік тому
Flood in Cesena
Президент Зеленський зустрівся з Папою Франциском1 рік тому
Президент Зеленський зустрівся з Папою Франциском
Президент України Зеленський прибув до Риму
An explosion occurred in the center of Milan, cars are on fire, reports say a parked van exploded1 рік тому
An explosion occurred in the center of Milan, cars are on fire, reports say a parked van exploded
1 рік тому
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 35 km WSW of Cittadella del Capo, Italy